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An Introduction to the Devas,
Architects of Creation

Muriel is currently writing a book about the Devas, collating over twenty years of knowledge, insight and wisdom from the Devic Kingdom. 


In the meantime, in a nutshell...

Who are the Devas?

The devas are the spirits of nature, keepers of all forms,

including plants, animals, rocks, mountains, landscapes and the elements.


They are the architects of creation, holding blueprint-like patterns,

energy signatures that inform and indwell all Life on Earth, 

allowing reality to reflect the Love and qualities of the Divine.  

What do the Devas do?

The Devas in their very being/essence radiate the pure Love of the Divine,

and so their very presence is healing.


It is as if they hold harmonious notes within the symphony of Life,

constantly sounding the tones of the One Life through form,

like a great orchestra transmitting the Love of the Divine.


We often experience this through nature as a sense of unconditional love, 

or in prayer or meditation as we connect with a whole host of supportive energies.


How can we best work with the Devas?


We can best work with the Devas by creating an intention

to experience our Highest good or greatest Love.

This can be for a significant future moment, to flow through our whole day,

for our health and wellbeing, working on a particular project, creating art,

or wanting to bring greater Love into a relationship. 


We center in the heart, home of our Soul, the keeper of our blueprint for this Lifetime,

and send the arrow of our intention under its guidance,

 into the Highest plane of existence, pure Source energy.

We plant the seed and let go.


Returning to our heart, we then surrender deeply into our body,

to melt into the sensations of our world within.

In doing this we fall deeply into our own matter, the Mother

as she expresses through us.

In this place we feel what we most need.

Within the safety of Her primordial energy,

we allow Her to manifest our highest good into physical form

by acknowedging the spirits of the earth, plant, animals,

insects, elements and landscape all around us.

We ask to be in our harmonious place within the Oneness of Life. 

We allow Her to rise through us,

through whichever energies we need the most to rebalance,

from the entire Devic Kingdom,

letting  their energies into our bodies,

letting their Love in,

receiving their imprints as direct reflections of Divine Love. 


In doing so we merge Heaven into our Earth.

We experience the Devas as the bridge through which receive Highest Love. 

We are returned to our true form, the Divine Blueprint of our Souls,

and receive a clear knowing of what the Mother wishes to create into form through us.

Of our path.


We become Living embodiments of our Soul in form,

co-creating to re-harmonise all Life on Earth -

humanity, the waters, the soil, the air, forests etc.

We allow the Love of Source back into our inner and outer worlds.


This is the potential of working with the Devic Kingdom.



For a deeper understanding of the Devas, you can read the article here 








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