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The Unlimited Potential of Co-creating with Water

"Cry for the world more.

When you see the atrocities,

allow yourself to feel them within the waters of your heart.

Let the waters come forth.

This heals for the collective,

when we cry for the collective consciousness."

Muriel Christonai

Last night I had the pleasure of connecting more deeply with the work of water whisperer, Veda Austin. After months of having her pop up everywhere, she was conveniently invited to the small country town hall just 5 minutes up the road from my home. It was time! ✨

Veda is bringing the global tribe together. A very shiny bunch of humans heard her call (the energy in the room was quite something) and she generously offered strand after strand of wisdom, each received directly from her explorations with water consciousness, further activating our own relationships with the waters. She was heartfelt, sharing sometimes deeply personal stories in relation to her Soul’s journey. It was touching. And inspiring.

At home afterwards I was buzzing, keen to apply her freezing technique for the first time.

I found a glass container and filled its base with water. What was a question that I always wanted to know the answer to? I made my connection to the spirit of water and asked “Are we really all One, one God? 

The response from the waters actually surprised me. How literal its answer was - the crystalography revealed a number 1 in the ice! One indeed. (Did I really need further proof! 😆)

I feel the word love needs to be spoken more when we talk about the true nature of water.

From my personal relationship with its spirit, I sense a love in water that is unconditional. 

As some of Veda’s stories illustrated, when the love of water does not flow, it is not the one holding back. It is because WE are not in a state of flow, the state in which we need to be to energetically connect with the whole of Life on Earth. It’s all about resonance.

Our work with water has unlimited potential - it is our imaginations as to what we can co-create that limits us.

Looking at our relationship with water through a lens of Love, Veda’s offering beggared a question that no one seems to be asking in relation to the messages from water - 

How can we co-create with the spirit of water for the highest good and greatest Love of the whole?

Or even more specifically - 

How can we best co-create with water to build the New Earth?

(That's why so many of us have opted to have a human experience NOW, right, to co-create the Great Awakening, the remembrance of Self as the whole?).

I feel to ask the water that question through my next crystallography session - I can see this being my new favourite game!)

In the meantime, I felt to ask the spirit directly for its answer. 

I felt the waters shimmering in me and a huge reception of Love into the waters of my being.

I melted into the water.

We become one, merged,

shared our consciousnesses. 

Water offered me its lens

and I offered it a very human perspective.

(Again, that is why we are here after all,

to offer Life a lens of the human experience).

Tears arose.

And all was well - I felt that there needed to be a movement within my deep waters.

I saw that this is why we cry, when there is movement in our deep waters.

The things that truly matter to us are the things that make us cry.

And we are giving water feedback every time we cry.

It sees, feels, knows the specific sounds, words, sentiments etc that touch our depths.

And I felt that THIS simple truth was the beginning of the response from water itself. 

That water is not God. Not exclusively anyway.

If water is God then so are air, the earth, the plants, even us. 

But water IS a messenger for God,

as are air, the earth, the plants, even us.

Just as sound is a carrier wave of consciousness,

so too are the crystalline structures of water. 

We speak back to God most deeply, about what truly matters to us as humans, 

about what is needed here on Earth to bring greater balance, harmony, Love,

through the waters of our tears.

More came:

Cry for the world more

When you see the atrocities

Allow yourself to feel them within the waters of your heart

Let the waters come forth

This heals for the collective, when we cry for the collective consciousness.

Sometimes Life purges for the Oneness through us, through our tears.

I certainly am a cryer, and have never felt ashamed of this. 

The willingness to feel is beautiful. 

Be in your deep waters.

Everything in its perfect timing.

All strands are interwoven.


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